Global Forum for the Defence of the Less Privileged
Our Mission
To defend, support and promote the human rights of all persons, most especially the rights to quality healthcare, property, education, and sustainable livelihoods for the less privileged, using advocacy, campaigns, capacity building and other support services.
People gained access to Legal Aid
pupils benefited from scholarships
Ongoing Programs
Our programs in GFDLP are protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), volunteering, health, education, nutrition, livelihoods, social welfare and vocational training, and peacebuilding and development.
Volunteering Program
Volunteering offers opportunities for citizens, especially the youths, to contribute to and or participate in development work…
Health Program
The health programs of GFDLP aim to support the improvement of the health status of the population, especially to ensure accessibility…
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene(Wash) Program
GFDLP is concerned with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) situation because globally 2 billion people use and drink water from contaminated…
Protection Program
Generally, protection is concerned with safety, dignity, and defending the rights of all persons, especially those persons affected by hunger…
Our Partners
The GFDLP is committed to building relationships and expanding its network locally, nationally, and globally. Currently, GFDLP is affiliated with the United Nations Global Compact, the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF), the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED). GFDLP equally partnering with the International Association Pan African Institute for Development (PAID), especially its regional institute in Buea (PAID-WA), the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB), the Danish Refugee Council, RedR UK, Global Alliance for Urban Crises, and a host of UN agencies.

Recognising the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
A workshop was recently organized aimed at sensitizing all participants to be familiar with national and international...
Mayor Ekema Patrick Has Been So Supportive Of GFDLP’s Activities To The Needy
-Akoh Baudouin Ngah-GFDLP CEO The chief executive officer, CEO of Global Forum for the Defence of the less Privileged,...
Hope For A Safe And Sustainable Environment
Heavy industrial zones constantly emit strong and dangerous gases into the atmosphere which destroy the ozone layer...
Social Media
- Registering on the biometric voter registration
- GFDLP interviews on biometric voter registration
Dr. John Henrik Clarke on the G B E WLIB “A Proper Education”