About Us

Global Forum for the Defence of the Less Privileged (GFDLP)

What is GFDLP?

GFDLP is a human rights and humanitarian organization for the promotion and protection of women’s rights, children’s rights, rights of persons with disabilities, right to health, rights of detainees, rights of indigenous communities, environmental rights, fight against trafficking in persons, and election monitoring.

What we do.

The Global Forum for the Defence of the Less Privileged (GFDLP) is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization, created on the 6th of January 2014, and received legal status on the 2nd of November 2015 with Registration Number 00001370/ARDA/JO6/APPBA at the Administrative, Legal and Political Affairs Service of the Association and Political Parties Bureau Affairs, Senior Divisional Office in Mfoundi, Yaoundé Cameroon.

Summary Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Since its creation, GFDLP has implemented several interventions/projects focusing on: children’s right to decent healthcare in orphanages, inclusive education for persons living with disabilities, environmental campaign for the proper disposal of hazardous materials, as well as assisting in the investigation of human trafficking related cases at the Judicial Police Department. Other activities of GFDLP include, support for development in indigenous communities, maternal healthcare in rural communities, and legal aid to detainees awaiting trial, and defending the property rights of women in customary marriages.

Click here to read a Welcome Message from CEO

Our Mission

To defend, support and promote the human rights of all persons, most especially the rights to quality healthcare, property, education, and sustainable livelihoods for the less privileged, using advocacy, campaigns, capacity building and other support services.

Our Vision

A society where everyone is treated with dignity irrespective of cultural heritage, gender, race, economic, political, and social standings, and especially the human rights of less privileged persons protected and defended, and their cultural values respected.

Our Partners

The GFDLP is committed to building relationships and expanding its network locally, nationally, and globally. Currently, GFDLP is affiliated with the United Nations Global Compact, the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF), the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED). GFDLP equally partnering with the International Association Pan African Institute for Development (PAID), especially its regional institute in Buea (PAID-WA), the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB), the Danish Refugee Council, RedR UK, Global Alliance for Urban Crises, and a host of UN agencies.