In most African countries, the poor are less connected to various branches of
Government and so hardly get access to justice. They undergo a lot of exploitation through corruption, tribalism, nepotism, and social inequality. This has to a greater extend slowed the economic growth of these countries. Therefore the Global Forum for the Defence of the Less Privileged (GFDLP), a Non-Governmental Human Rights organization is out for the promotion and protection of the rights of the less privileged.

Our vision is of a time when every one shall be treated with dignity irrespective of cultural heritage, gender, race, economic, political, and social standings; with activists protecting human rights while respecting cultural values.
The mission of the organization is to create a formidable network of professionals and community organizers from all branches of society, nationally and internationally for the promotion and protection of human rights; most especially the right to quality healthcare.

Our areas of focus include Women’s Rights, Children’s Rights, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Right to Health, Rights of Detainees, Rights of Indigenous communities, Environmental Rights, Fight against Trafficking In Persons and
Elections Monitoring. The GFDLP was founded on the 6th of January 2014 by Mr. Akoh Baudouin Ngah but received legal status on the 2nd of November 2015. Before the creation of this organization we had the vision to cater to the less privileged and thus, to ensure the realization of this goal, the organization has been engaged in a series of activities such as the promotion of children’s right to decent healthcare in orphanage homes, promotion of inclusive education for persons living with disabilities, environmental campaign for the proper disposal of hazardous materials, assisting in investigating human-trafficking-related issues with the Judicial police, promoting development across indigenous communities, promoting maternal health in rural communities, providing legal aid to detainees awaiting trial, and promoting property rights for women in customary marriages. The GFDLP is already gaining ground in society following its affiliation to national and international organizations. She is affiliated with the United Nations Global Compact, the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF), the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection, and Sustainable Development. We are also working in partnership with the Pan-African Institute for Development-West Africa (PAID-WA) Buea, the Buea Council, and the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB). We look forward to the establishment of more partnerships in the nearest future for the benefit of citizens of the world.